Linux Directories

/bin – This directory contains application binary files for applications that normal users can run.
/boot – This directory contains files needed for the boot process.
/etc – This directory contains system-wide configuration files.
/home – This directory consists of directories for each user to store their files.
/lib – This directory contains library files that various commands use to function.
/lib64 – This directory contains 64-bit specific library files.
/opt – This directory is called optional and contains third-party applications.
/root – This directory contains user files for the root user.
/run – This directory is used for files related to running processes.
/sbin – This directory contains application binary files for system administration applications.
/tmp – This directory stores temporary data files.
/usr – This directory contains user installed application files.
/var – This directory contains variable data files, which is traditionally where log files are written, user’s mail is stored and website data is located


Special Directories

Now we will take a look at some of the special directories found on Linux file systems:

/dev – This directory stores files and directories that represent devices on the system.
/media – This directory is used by the system as a place to auto-mount removable media inserted into the computer.
/mnt – This directory is used by system administrators to mount file systems.
/proc – This directory contains files and directories representing the various processes running on the system.
/sys – This directory contains files and directories representing the system’s kernel status.