Memory Allocation And Inodes
An inode is short for “Index Node”. In Unix-based file systems, an inode is considered to be a data structure that represents a single file system object. The inode space is used to ‘track’ the files stored on the hard disk. The inode entries store metadata about each file, directory or object, but only points to these structures rather than storing the data. Each entry is 128 bytes in size. In simple words, each inode usually equals one file, folder, email or any other unix object in a file system.
We have a set inodes limit for our shared, unlimited and worpress hosting packages in order to improve their HDD performance. Our packages are same as godaddy. Maximum inodes limits in the shared, unlimited and worpress hosting packages are following:
- PREMIUM – 200000 Inodes with 512 MB RAM
- STANDARD – 200000 Inodes with 512 MB RAM
- PROFESSIONAL – 200000 Inodes with 1 GB RAM
- UNLIMITED – 250000 Inodes with 1 GB RAM
- UNLIMITED PRO – 250000 Inodes with 1.5 GB RAM
- UNLIMITED PLUS – 250000 Inodes with 2 GB RAM
- WP BASIC – 600000 Inodes with 2 GB RAM (Extendable upto 4GB)
- WP STANDARD – 600000 Inodes with 2 GB RAM (Extendable upto 6GB)
- WP PRO – 600000 Inodes with 2 GB RAM (Extendable upto 8GB)
In case the above limits are hit, your account, website or email service performance will be affected. Emails might not be delivered and sent. New files might not be uploaded, and the overall account performance might get unstable.

Our specifications of hosting packages are same as Namecheap but our prices are low as compared to them. Here are the details of Namecheap packages:
- STELLAR – 300000 Inodes with 1 GB RAM
- STELLAR PUS – 300000 Inodes with 2 GB RAM
- STELLAR BUSINESS – 600000 Inodes with 2 GB RAM