SiteLock “Website Security Protection”

SiteLock encrypts and protects your website from all threats. It scans malware regularly that automatically eliminates bugs and suspected malicious code from your website to defend your website and visitors against attacks. It integrates and defends your website with an optimal approach to find, fix, and prevent attacks. 

It checks for bugs such as SQL injection flaws and cross-site scripting on your website. It also submits comments on forms and articles to identify bugs the hackers use to break in. If a threat is identified, you are informed of the precise position by email.

Necessarily SiteLock can import data from your website, uninstall any ransomware and upload cleaned files, safeguard your site from appearing on search engine blacklists and shield yourself from expensive downtime. It gives you peace of mind.

SiteLock Features

Features that SiteLock provides are:

  • Network Security
  • Automated Malware Detection And Removal
  • Malware & Spam Blacklist
  • Block Harmful Traffic
  • Scan for Unlimited Web Pages
  • Reputation & Google Blacklist Monitoring
  • Boost Website Speed
  • File-Level Scanning
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Protection
  • SQL Injection Protection
  • Application Security
  • Plugin/Website Application Scan
  • SSL Verification
  • Drive-By-Downloads
  • Customer Data Protection
  • Build Customer Trust
  • Weekly Scan Report